Retirement Calculator
How much money do you need to retire?
Use the retirement calculator below to determine how prepared you are for retirement. You’ll get a good idea of where you’re at now and what needs to change to set you up for a great retirement.
Work with a fiduciary financial advisor to create a holistic view of your financial life and an effective plan to achieve your goals.
Babylon Wealth Retirement Calculator
Where you’re at now…
I am years old. I’d like to retire at .
My pre-tax income is .
I have a current savings of .
Every month I save % of my income.
I can retire on % of my current income.
Assume an inflation rate of%.
Assume a yearly salary increase of%.
Assume a pre-retirement yearly return on savings of%.
Assume a post-retirement yearly withdrawal rate of%.
Assume monthly Social Security income of.
Where you’ll be at retirement…
Your monthly income will be around ${{ formattedRetirementIncome }}, or ${{projectedIncomeTodaysDollars}} in today’s dollars
You’d like a monthly income around ${{ formattedDesiredIncome }}, or ${{desiredIncomeTodaysDollars}} in today’s dollars
So what does that mean for you?
If you keep going like this until retirement, your actual retirement income will be about what you’d like it to be.
{{ summaryMessage }}
Schedule a free consultation call so we can figure out the best ways for you to close the gap.
A few notes...
Our calculator predicts your retirement nest egg in today’s dollars and then shows how it would stretch over the years you plan to spend in retirement, taking inflation into account.
You can adjust the basic settings to reflect your current situation. Click "Make some more adjustments" to adjust your expected investment rate of return before and after retirement, the inflation rate, salary growth, and what you expect to receive from Social Security each month.
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